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Bump version

To calculate and set the next semantic version (i.e. bump the version) for the unreleased changes:

git cliff --bump

For example, if you have 1.0.0 and committed "feat: xyz", git-cliff --bump --unreleased will create a changelog for 1.1.0.

How it works is that for a semantic versioning such as <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>:

  • "fix:" -> increments PATCH
  • "feat:" -> increments MINOR
  • "scope!" (breaking changes) -> increments MAJOR

You can also calculate and print the next semantic version to stdout:

git cliff --bumped-version

Tip: you can also get the bumped version from the context as follows:

git cliff --unreleased --bump --context | jq -r .[0].version

Zero-based versioning scheme

When working with a zero-based versioning scheme (i.e., 0.x.y or 0.0.x), it is often desirable to preserve the leading zero even when introducing a breaking change. A switch from 0 to 1 should indicate a higher API stability level.

You can modify the bumping rules to preserve the zero-based versioning scheme in the configuration file.