📄️ Command-line Arguments
📄️ Initializing
The default configuration file (cliff.toml) can be generated using the --init flag:
📄️ Examples
To simply create a changelog at your projects git root directory:
📄️ Bump version
To calculate and set the next semantic version (i.e. bump the version) for the unreleased changes:
📄️ Monorepos
You can generate a changelog scoped to a specific directory by just switching to that directory:
📄️ Multiple repositories
To generate a changelog for multiple git repositories:
📄️ Skipping commits
You can use --skip-commit argument to skip specific commits by their SHA1 value:
📄️ Adding custom commits
In some cases, you might want to include commit messages in the changelog that yet don't exist. One example would be having "the commit message that updates the changelog" in the changelog. (🤔)
📄️ Adding version (tag) message
Sometimes, you might want to include a special message or note related to a version of your project.
📄️ Print context
To print the changelog context as JSON:
📄️ Load context
This is useful if you want to print context, modify it with an external tool and then "pipe" it back into git-cliff.
📄️ Jujutsu
You can use with a repository that has been cloned using jujutsu.