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This section contains the parsing and git related configuration options.

conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = true
require_conventional = false
split_commits = false
commit_parsers = [
{ message = "^feat", group = "Features"},
{ message = "^fix", group = "Bug Fixes"},
{ message = "^doc", group = "Documentation"},
{ message = "^perf", group = "Performance"},
{ message = "^refactor", group = "Refactor"},
{ message = "^style", group = "Styling"},
{ message = "^test", group = "Testing"},
protect_breaking_commits = false
filter_commits = false
tag_pattern = "v[0-9].*"

skip_tags = "v0.1.0-beta.1"
ignore_tags = ""
topo_order = false
sort_commits = "oldest"
link_parsers = [
{ pattern = "#(\\d+)", href = "$1"},
{ pattern = "RFC(\\d+)", text = "ietf-rfc$1", href = "$1"},
limit_commits = 42


If set to true, commits are parsed according to the Conventional Commits specifications.

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

e.g. feat(parser): add ability to parse arrays


If set to true, commits that are not conventional are excluded. This option can be used to generate changelogs with conventional and unconventional commits mixed together. For example:

conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = false
commit_parsers = [
{ message = ".*", group = "Other", default_scope = "other"},

With the configuration above, conventional commits are parsed as usual and unconventional commits will be also included in the changelog as "Other".

To completely exclude unconventional commits from the changelog:

# default behaviour
conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = true

To include any type of commit in the changelog without parsing:

conventional_commits = false
filter_unconventional = false


If set to true, all commits included in the changelog must be conventional. If any unconventional commits are found, an error will be logged and changelog generation fails.

conventional_commits = true
require_conventional = false
commit_parsers = [
{ message = ".*", group = "Other", default_scope = "other"},
{ message = "^Merging", skip = true }

If set to true, this option takes precedence over filter_unconventional.

Checking takes place after commit_parsers. Thus commits can be skipped by matching parsers.


This flag violates "conventional commits". It should remain off by default if conventional commits is to be respected.

If set to true, each line of a commit is processed individually, as if it were its own commit message. This may cause a commit to appear multiple times in a changelog, once for each match.

conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = true
split_commits = true
commit_parsers = [
{ message = "^feat", group = "Features"},

With the configuration above, lines are parsed as conventional commits and unconventional lines are omitted.

If filter_unconventional = false, every line will be processed as an unconventional commit, resulting in each line of a commit being treated as a changelog entry.


An array of commit preprocessors for manipulating the commit messages before parsing/grouping them. These regex-based preprocessors can be used for removing or selecting certain parts of the commit message/body to be used in the following processes.


The replace or replace_command will take into account of the entire log of commit messages where the specified pattern is matched.


  • { pattern = "foo", replace = "bar"}
    • Replace text.
  • { pattern = 'Merged PR #[0-9]: (.*)', replace = "$1"}
    • Remove prefix.
  • { pattern = " +", replace = " "}
    • Replace multiple spaces with a single space.
  • { pattern = "\\(#([0-9]+)\\)", replace = "([#${1}](${1}))"}
    • Replace the issue number with the link.
  • { pattern = "[^ ]/issues/([0-9]+)", replace = "[Issue #${1}]"}
    • Replace the issue link with the number.
  • { pattern = "Merge pull request #([0-9]+) from [^ ]+", replace = "PR # [${1}](${1}):"}
    • Hyperlink PR references from merge commits.
  • { pattern = "[a-f0-9]{7})[a-f0-9]*", replace = "commit # [${1}](${0})"}
    • Hyperlink commit links, with short commit hash as description.
  • { pattern = "([ \\n])(([a-f0-9]{7})[a-f0-9]*)", replace = "${1}commit # [${3}](${2})"}
    • Hyperlink bare commit hashes like "abcd1234" in commit logs, with short commit hash as description.

Custom OS commands can also be used for modifying the commit messages:

  • { pattern = "foo", replace_command = "pandoc -t commonmark"}

The above is equivalent to: echo "<matched_part_of_the_changelog>" | pandoc -t commonmark

This is useful when you want to filter/encode messages using external commands. In the example above, pandoc is used to convert each commit message that matches the given pattern to the CommonMark format.

A more fun example would be reversing each commit message:

  • { pattern = '.*', replace_command = 'rev | xargs echo "reversed: $@"' }

$COMMIT_SHA environment variable is set during execution of the command so you can do fancier things like reading the commit itself:

  • { pattern = '.*', replace_command = 'git show -s --format=%B $COMMIT_SHA' }


An array of commit parsers for determining the commit groups by using regex. The entire commit messages are affected wherever the regex is matched.


  • { message = "^feat", group = "Features" }
    • Group the commit as "Features" if the commit message (description) starts with "feat".
  • { body = ".*security", group = "Security" }
    • Group the commit as "Security" if the commit body contains "security".
  • { footer = "^changelog: ?ignore", skip = true }
    • Skip processing the commit if the commit footer contains "changelog: ignore".
  • { message = '^fix\((.*)\)', group = 'Fix (${1})' }
    • Use the matched scope value from the commit message in the group name.
  • { message = ".*deprecated", body = ".*deprecated", group = "Deprecation" }
    • Group the commit as "Deprecation" if the commit body and message contains "deprecated".
  • { message = "^revert", skip = true }
    • Skip processing the commit if the commit message (description) starts with "revert".
  • { message = "^doc", group = "Documentation", default_scope = "other" },
    • If the commit starts with "doc", group the commit as "Documentation" and set the default scope to "other". (e.g. docs: xyz will be processed as docs(other): xyz)
  • { message = "(www)", scope = "Application" }
    • If the commit contains "(www)", override the scope with "Application". Scoping order is: scope specification, conventional commit's scope and default scope.
  • { sha = "f6f2472bdf0bbb5f9fcaf2d72c1fa9f98f772bb2", skip = true }
    • Skip a specific commit by using its SHA1.
  • { sha = "f6f2472bdf0bbb5f9fcaf2d72c1fa9f98f772bb2", group = "Stuff" }
    • Set the group of the commit by using its SHA1.
  • { field = "", pattern = "John Doe", group = "John's stuff" }
    • If the author's name attribute of the commit matches the pattern "John Doe" (as a regex), override the scope with "John's stuff".
    • All values that are part of the commit context can be used. Nested fields can be accessed via the dot notation. Some commonly used ones are:
      • id
      • message
    • body is a special field which contains the body of a convetional commit, if applicable.
    • Be aware that all fields are converted to JSON strings before they are parsed by the given regex, especially when dealing with arrays.


If set to true, any breaking changes will be protected against being skipped due to any commit parser.


If set to true, commits that are not matched by commit_parsers are filtered out.


A regular expression for matching the git tags.

This value can be also overridden with using the --tag-pattern argument.


A regex for skip processing the matched tags.


A regex for ignore processing the matched tags.

While skip_tags drop commits from the changelog, ignore_tags include ignored commits into the next tag.


Note that if a commit has multiple tags, any matched tag will result in all associated tags being ignored, including those not explicitly matched by the regex. This is because git-cliff processes tags at the commit level rather than individually. For more details, you can view the discussion here.

This value can be also overridden with using the --ignore-tags argument.


A regex for counting in the matched tags in the final result.


count_tags work like an inverted version of ignore_tags, that include all the commits but only count the specific tags.

This value can be also overridden with using the --count-tags argument.


If set to true, tags are processed in topological order instead of chronological.

This can also be achieved by using the --topo-order command line flag.


Sort the commits inside sections by specified order.

Possible values:

  • oldest
  • newest

This can also be achieved by specifying the --sort command line argument.

An array of link parsers for extracting external references, and turning them into URLs, using regex.


  • { pattern = "#(\\d+)", href = "$1"}
    • Extract all GitHub issues and PRs and generate URLs linking to them. The link text will be the matching pattern.
  • { pattern = "RFC(\\d+)", text = "ietf-rfc$1", href = "$1"},
    • Extract mentions of IETF RFCs and generate URLs linking to them. It also rewrites the text as "ietf-rfc...".

These extracted links can be used in the template with commits.links variable.


limit_commits is an optional positive integer number that limits the number of included commits in the generated changelog.

limit_commits is not part of the default configuration.